OCEP Field Trip Resources
This page contains links and ideas for field experiences endorsed by the Oregon Coast Education Program. Whether you take your students on a far away trip to the coast or head to a field site right outside your classroom door, be sure you have mapped out your goals and educational objectives for the experience.
OCEP Partners
The institutions that support OCEP are committed to providing watershed and coastal environmental education in Oregon. Many also provide educational programs for students and can help you as you plan your field experience: OCEP Partners
Field Sites on the Coast
The Oregon Coast STEM Hub covers the entire Oregon coast region, and their website contains an extensive guide to coastal locations where educators can bring students to engage in STEM learning activities. Sites include museums, natural areas, fish hatcheries, and industries that offer tours. Visit the Oregon Coast STEM Hub Field Sites page.
If you are looking specifically for information about tidepooling sites, visit oregontidepools.org
Funds for Field Experiences
Strapped for funding? Learn about opportunities to acquire funding for your field experiences from the Oregon Coast STEM Hub website Funding Sources page.