2023 Razor Clamapalooza – Washington
Join NAME members and friends for our annual Razor Clamapalooza at Moclips beach!!
April 21–23 • Moclips, WA
Washington NAME will again be hosting the annual Clamapalooza at Moclips Beach.
Join us Friday, April 21 – Sunday 23, 2023 for a weekend of festivities and marine biology. We will be at the Hi-Tide Resort again, hunting for the mighty Pacific Razor Clam, Siliqua patula. Joined by throngs of like-minded, bivalve-loving Homo sapiens, we will use shovels and guns (clam guns, that is) to extract the beasties from their sandy homes before the tide and surf filled our rubber boots with icy saltwater.
Book your room today at the Hi-tide resort on Moclips (there are only 10 sweets left) https://hi-tide-resort.com/
There are other AirBnB locations nearby as well if you need accommodations with more room.
Clamming Saturday and Sunday mornings and Saturday night potluck with NAME members, family and friends. Evening bonfire and music if the weather permits – bring musical instruments and cook up delicious food with your clams to share.
Please email giovanninah2o@gmail.com once you book your room so we can keep a running list of who is coming and send you up-dates on clamming permits and the agenda for the weekend.
Can’t wait to see you all there,
Giovannina and Woody
WA co-directors