NAME 2017 Conference
Our Waters: Many Streams, One Ocean
August 7 – 11, 2017 • Homer, Alaska
Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME) is a dynamic organization of professionals dedicated to sharing the world of water and using the allure of marine and freshwater places to excite audiences about learning. Educators, researchers, students, and resource professionals from Washington, Oregon, Alaska and British Columbia are invited to meet, learn, share, and socialize.
Conference Themes
Tracking Change
The effects of climate change, encroachment, and resource development are easily found in the coastal ecosystems of Alaska. What stories of change are you telling? How do you engage your participants in long-term change narratives during brief interpretive moments? What are the key messages for your class or site related to tracking local change?
Celebrating Ways of Knowing
How do we and our participants come to know, understand, and appreciate our natural resources? Ways of knowing can be cultural, personally unique, or discovered. Have you found new gateways to knowledge and understanding – perhaps through inspirational vectors such as art, music, language, sensory experiences, or emotion? Share what you’ve learned about the diverse ways that people engage with our natural surroundings and how you’ve incorporated these ways of knowing into your presentations and curricula.
Transforming Knowledge into Stewardship
How do we prepare participants to steward ever-changing ecosystems? In your experience, is it true that knowledge guides us to love — and love, in turn, inspires us to action? How have your students or the members of your organization taken action to preserve and protect your local waters? What tools did you use to inspire these actions? And how did you measure the impact of these actions on both the natural world and the participants?